Wed. Sep 4th, 2024

If you’ve worn a wig before, you will often find that the result is not always optimal because it does not look very natural. Hair that is very plastic, too marked demarcation, unusual volume … in addition, some wigs are not very comfortable to wear!

I’m going to tell you about the lace wig today, which is said to be undetectable and very natural … What sets it apart from other hair wigs, and why is it so popular? To note, lace wigs and headband wigs are the two most popular types of wigs.

What makes the lace wig undetectable?

Natural hair

The hair that is used in the composition of lace wig is natural human hair that has been treated, and not a synthetic composition which can sometimes be thick and give us a feeling of fake. In your choice of lace wig, you can also choose the “ethnic” nature of the hair (Malaysian, Chinese, etc.), to match your hair style as closely as possible. This wig lets you see the scalp, and that’s what really looks natural.

The demarcation

On the front, at the hairline, there is a lace front wig: the fabric is indeed different from the rest of the wig so that it blends in better at the forehead. The wig is also undetectable thanks to the baby hair that you can cut at the forehead. Baby hair? You know, it’s that little hairs at the implantation level, like down! A normal wig will have a demarcation, whereas there the result will be much more natural.

The making of the wig

The wig is assembled on tulle, which is therefore a very fine “net” type fabric, which is also used in clothing. This allows for an ultra fine base that does not add thickness to the scalp and gives the illusion of a scalp. The hair is attached one by one to the wig on the front at the lace front wig, and with bands on the rest of the head! In general, the lace front wigs are difficult to distinguish from real hair.

Customize your lace wig to your morphology

The lace wig is not a turnkey wig: you have to work a little to make it look super natural! If you choose the undetectable wig option, then don’t expect to receive it at home and simply put it on – there is a prep time.

Here are the main steps to prepare your lace wig:

– Discoloration of knots to perfect the scalp

– Trim the facial contour of the wig to thin out

– Cut the tulle strip in a natural way

– Glue the Lace Wig on the forehead to secure it


I will detail these different points for you.

Discoloration of knots

The objective of this step is to make the knots with which the hair is laced invisible, and to work on the natural contours of the hair for progressive density at the edge of the face. For that, you turn the wig over, you make a bleaching paste (volume 30), and you apply at the level of the contours of the skull and the top of the skull, where you can see the scalp more normally. The oxidizing paste must be very thick, otherwise it may pass through the holes in the tulle and discolor the strands. When applying, no need to press either, otherwise the paste will pass through the fabric! After an exposure time of 20-30 minutes, if the fabric of the wig is orange, this is normal. It is necessary to apply a blue or purple shampoo to annihilate the copper reflections. Rinse and leave the wig wet for the next step.

Work on a head mannequin

For more convenience and to assess the result as you go, I advise you to place the wig on a mannequin head if you have it at home. I suppose it can work on a plane B balloon if it is fixed.

Trim the facial contour of the wig

Once the color is more natural on the scalp of the wig, you have to work on the density. Place the wig on the stand, and brush the hair back. If you want baby hair, you cut the small front hair to stick to your natural hair. Then you have to thin out the front hair a bit with tweezers, because there is a lot of hair on the lace wig. Indeed, the hair mass is not located around the face (on the contrary), and the result will therefore only be more natural. Take your time for this step, and pull the hair in the lace direction to the back. You can also do it at the part of the hair. Brush the wig regularly to remove the hair and see the result as you go.

Cut the tulle strip

When the density is right for you, place the wig on your head, and cut the strip of tulle as close as possible to the roots with small scissors. I advise you to cut the tulle in a zigzag following the hairline, so that it looks more natural. For an even more blended effect, you can add foundation corresponding to your skin tone on the base (by turning over the lace wig) at the baby hair level! Make a test before on a piece of fabric.

Glue the lace wig

The glue is applied with a spray either on the skin or on the hair. After the vaporization of the glue, use a hair dryer for a few minutes, without completely drying. Then you put on the lace wig, adjusting the contours to your face to place the wig at the hairline and press hard for several minutes at the edge of the hair.

Hopefully the tips above can be useful to help you prepare your favorite lace wig.

By james vines

Hi, I Am Professional Article Writer Experienced And Owner Of Spurs Express Simply Mac Trendknowlege. com

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