Wed. Sep 4th, 2024

The general climate of Switzerland may be considered temperate. Yet weather conditions in different parts of the country vary. East has alpine weather, and territories of southern parts have warm subtropical weather. Relatively flat north-western and interior regions are under the authority of Atlantis.

A significant part of the Swiss state is covered with hills. On higher altitudes, while the temperature drops, the moisture level rises. Large areas of Alpine Tundra are described with thin subarctic zones and dotted by unique ice caps.

So Swiss wintertime seems to be pretty cold and snowy while summertime is sunny and rainy. 

Fog in Switzerland

During autumn and winter, parts of the northern Alpine valleys and the small villages and towns of the low areas of the Mittelland experience a climatic phenomenon of lowland fog. This happens when steady, high-pressure climate conditions prevail over central Europe and the Alps and produce cold air volumes. This ends in a cover of fog that can cover the cities for days or even weeks.

The villages high up in the Alps experience mild weather. It is due to a contradiction when the atmosphere above the fog range is warmer than the air below. For this reason, Switzerland’s high-altitude resorts are extremely popular destinations come wintertime.

Autumn in Switzerland

September is the period with the best weather and climate conditions to visit Switzerland. The mild temperature and bright sky with less precipitation present the best conditions for travel, hiking, or even simple roaming in snug villages. Instead, frequent rainfalls may shower the country’s center, and the mountains may become covered with the first snow.

October in Switzerland heralds real autumn. It starts with a creeping drop in temperature and breezy winds. Night frosts bring occasional rainfalls and a dull sky. Rocky districts are under the reign of frequent snowfalls and cold.

November is not the very best time to tour the plains. Cities and villages are soggy, dull, and raw. Conditions on ski resorts are opposite – Skiing season begins by the end of November. 

Autumn Holidays

Thursday later 1st Sunday in September – Genevan fast.

3rd Sunday in September – Federal Day of Thanksgiving, Repentance, and Devotions.

25 September – Saint Nicholas of Flüe Day.

28 September – Wine Festival.

31 October – Halloween

Winter in Switzerland

In general,  Swiss winter is freezing, but the average temperature depends on the altitude and area of particular regions. Thus isolated areas are coldest with freezing -10°C (14°F). The average temperature of northern plains is between -1 and -4°C (30-25°F), of middle plains, is about 0°C (32°F) and of the southern about four °C (39°F), which is the warmest of the three regions mentioned.

Almost the entire country is covered with snow. For instance, Engelberg’s average density of snow cover is approximately 3 meters (9.8 feet). Of course, mountains are colder than plains. The number of storms and the risk of landslides is much higher in mountainous regions than in plains.  

It’s better to choose higher resorts to have shining days on vacations as the probability of smog is lesser.

Winter Holidays

6 December – Nicholas’s Day.

8 December – Immaculate Conception.

12 December – National Flag’s Day.

25 December – Christmas.

26 December – Stephen’s Day.

1 January – New Year.

2 January – Berchtold’s Day.

12 January –St. Moritz Gourmet Festival

8 February – Fasnacht carnival in Lucerne.

14 February – St. Valentine’s Day.

15 February –Fasnacht carnival in Bern.

19 February – Fasnacht carnival in Basel.

Summer in Switzerland

Summer starts in mid-June and closes nearby mid-September. With mild temperatures ranging from 18°C to 28°C, and longer days in July and August, this is a fabulous time of year to explore the various hiking trails, cities, and Swiss festivals.

While enjoying different seasons in Switzerland, you may also get so lost in the beauty of Switzerland that you may go over budget. But you may never run out of funding options in Switzerland. We suggest you check out some companies that render Loans with a minimum interest rate. A little borrowing will ensure that funds crunch is not spoiling your plans.  

Spring in Switzerland

In Switzerland, spring lasts from mid-March to mid-June, with average temperatures varying from 8°C to 15°C. These pleasant daytime temperatures allow for plenty of outdoor activities. Nevertheless, the bedtimes can get pretty cool, falling as low as 5°C. The weather in spring is unsteady, so it might be wise to hang on to your wintertime coat and scarf but leave behind your oversized winter knits. And because spring rains are guaranteed, don’t skip your umbrella, either.


The best season to visit Switzerland is during the summer vacation from June to August, when the temperature varies from 19°C and 32°C. Switzerland gets the highest number of tourists during the summer season as the weather is dry and pleasant. Therefore, it is often known as the top season. However, one can make travel plans during the autumn and winter seasons as well. While planning your budget, you must think and plan about health insurance while living in Switzerland. 

Don’t worry as you are already spending a lot on tour and don’t have more budget to secure your health insurance in Switzerland. Comprehensive comparison tools help you get heavy discounts on your health insurance premium in Switzerland. Also, you can compare mortgage loans in Switzerland; Comparisons offers many tips and tricks to save big on your health insurance premium and mortgage loans.

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