Wed. Sep 4th, 2024
Real Estate Dispute

Real estate conflicts might be a challenging and tedious process. However, mediation comes out as a practical process to address these disputes.

In this blog from AM Partners, we present you with the comprehensive guide through the process of mediation in a real estate dispute without involving property lawyers in Chandigarh or other states in India, also we’ll highlight the benefits of mediation, and some practical tips for successful mediation.

What are Real estate disputes?

Real estate disputes are legal conflicts that arise in the circumstances of property ownership, usage, and transactions.These disputes can involve properties with large amounts of money and can take a long time to resolve and can occur between various parties such as sellers, buyers, landlords, tenants, and homeowners.

Some of the usual types of real estate disputes include:

  • Breach of Contract: Disputes arise when one party fails to fulfill the terms of a real estate contract, such as failing to complete a sale or violating terms of a lease.
  • Title Issues: Conflicts over property ownership can occur due to unclear, defective, or disputed titles.
  • Boundary Disputes: Neighbors may disagree on the precise boundaries of their properties.
  • Landlord-Tenant Disputes: These can involve issues such as unpaid rent, eviction, property damage, and violations of lease agreements.
  • Zoning and Land Use Disputes: Conflicts over how a property can be used, such as disagreements over zoning regulations, land development, and property usage restrictions.
  • Homeowners Association (HOA) Disputes: Conflicts between homeowners and HOAs regarding rules, fees, and property maintenance standards.
  • Construction Defects: Disputes between property owners and builders or contractors over the quality of construction and adherence to building codes and standards.

Advantages of Mediation in Real estate disputes

Mediation offers several advantages in resolving disputes of real estates, making it a preferred way to incorporate. Here are some of the key advantages of real estate mediation and property lawyers in Chandigarh:

  • Mediation is a cost effective way to incorporate as compared to involving court, as it includes high legal fees, larger amounts of court costs, and a lengthy process.
  • Mediation can often resolve disputes quicker than the traditional court system, which can be of larger duration.
  • Mediation conversations are private and confidential, which allows parties to discuss issues openly without any fear of exposure.
  • Mediation provides a cooperative environment that can help maintain or even improve relationships between parties.
  • In mediation, the parties have more control over the resolution process and the outcomes.

Understanding the Mediation Process

The Mediation process is a structured yet flexible process which provides ease to resolve disputes with the help of a third party mediator which can often include the best property lawyer in Chandigarh or other states of India.

Real estate mediation is a type of alternative dispute resolution that can resolve any disputes without going to court or any legal firm in Chandigarh or other states.

Real estate mediators do not make decisions, they provide communication between parties to come up with the best solution together. They can include landlords, neighbors, tenants, buyers, and sellers, etc.

Below is the comprehensive overview of the mediation process:

  • Mediation initiates when parties agree to resolve their disputes without going to court or involving law firm in Chandigarh or other states.
  • The parties choose a mediator who is not biased and has expertise in relation to the disputes.
  • Before conducting mediation sessions, the mediator is allowed to conduct separate meetings or calls with both the parties to clearly understand the issues.
  • Mediator collects the necessary documents from both the parties to submit as soon as possible.
  • During the mediation session, the mediator first begins with explaining the rules, goals, and basic structure of the mediation process.
  • When the session starts, the mediator facilitates a joint discussion where the mediator and the parties can directly communicate their concerns and interests without any disturbance.
  • The mediator is allowed to conduct separate meetings with the parties in order to discuss their situations more clearly and understand the potential solutions without pressure.
  • Through a series of discussions and private sessions, the mediator helps participants to come to the potential solutions and they can involve the best law firm in Chandigarh.

Practical Tips for Successful Mediation

Thorough Preparation:

  • Gather all relevant documents and evidence to assessed by property lawyers in Chandigarh.
  • Clarify your objectives and acceptable outcomes.
  • Anticipate the other party’s arguments and prepare responses.

Choose the Right Mediator:

  • Select a mediator with expertise in real estate disputes.
  • Ensure the mediator is impartial and has no conflicts of interest.

Communicate Effectively:

  • Listen actively to the other party’s concerns.
  • Communicate your points clearly and concisely.
  • Be respectful and have a professional demeanor.

 Clear and Flexible:

  • Don’t be offended with various solutions and alternatives.
  • Consider all the solutions with a calm mind.
  • You are allowed to make reasonable concessions as per your needs to avoid any conflicts.

Make a Clear Agreement:

  • Be assured that the final agreement is detailed and specific.
  • Review the agreement by a legal professional such as property lawyers in Chandigarh or other states to ensure enforceability.


Mediation is a priceless tool used to resolve real estate disputes effectively and efficiently. Its advantages are numerous such as cost-effectiveness, confidentiality, and the ability to preserve relationships, making it an attractive alternative to litigation.

Incorporating few steps such as preparing thoroughly, choosing the right mediator, communicating effectively, and remaining open and flexible, parties can increase their chances of achieving a successful resolution.


1. How to resolve a property dispute in India?

In countries like India, property disputes are resolved through mediation, or legal frameworks in courts. Some of the essential steps in resolving such disputes include seeking legal advice and document reviews.

2. What is mediation in India?

Mediation is a process that includes a third party in resolving a dispute in real estate with communication and negotiation, without involving courts or legal professionals.

3. How does mediation differ from arbitration and litigation?

Unlike arbitration and litigation, where decisions are made by arbitrators or judges, mediation empowers the parties to control the outcome and find their own solutions.

4. How long does mediation typically take?

Mediation can vary in duration from a few hours to several days, depending on the complexity of the dispute and the willingness of the parties to negotiate.

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