Wed. Sep 4th, 2024

In a retail space constantly bombarded with imagery, a few key components can help a product truly stand out. Point of purchase displays, or POP displays, are one of those tools.

These custom displays can range from small tabletop signs to larger endcap displays.

Boosts sales

Almost all marketing efforts aim to help prospective buyer understand their options, evaluate alternatives, and make a buying decision. Depending on the marketing strategy, this could be done by attempting to “buy” the prospective customer’s attention or earning it through product promotion and education. Point of purchase displays are a great way to influence the details of that purchasing decision in-store.

A point of purchase display can take on various forms, from an endcap display to a freestanding floor display.

Other point of purchase displays are designed to highlight add-ons to a primary product. The checkout area is a great place to do this because it attracts the attention of customers who decide whether they want to complete their shopping experience with an additional purchase. While many point of purchase displays are designed to boost sales, they can also promote brand awareness and increase consumer loyalty. That is why working with a point of purchase display company with experience creating customized and eye-catching displays is important. This will ensure that the display meets the specific needs of the retailer.

Attracts Attention

Point of purchase displays help to grab the attention of shoppers. They can be used in various ways, from simple signage to more complex and high-tech displays. The best part is that they cost significantly less than traditional marketing methods, such as television or radio ads. In addition to helping brands stand out in a crowd, POP displays also encourage impulse purchases. Research shows that items with a point of purchase display sign outperformed similar products without a sign by 20%. The key to maximizing this impact is identifying the ideal display locations. This can include prominent positions near checkout counters, end-of-aisle locations, and high-traffic areas.

Another important benefit of point of purchase displays is that they can attract shopper attention, even when the product is already in their cart or basket. Many customers will buy a product outside their original shopping list simply because they are drawn to the eye-catching POP display. To catch shoppers’ attention, point of purchase displays must be atypical and memorable. They can take on any form, from a small tabletop display to a full-blown window or wall display for a new product line. The possibilities are limitless, but choosing a design that reflects the product is often best.

Educates Consumers

Most marketing efforts aim to help a prospective buyer understand their problem, evaluate product or service options, and ultimately decide to purchase. Using point of purchase displays, retailers can leverage these strategies to educate consumers and increase brand awareness. A POP display may also be used to cross-sell or upsell products. Retailers can place complementary products, such as snacks or candy, near the checkout area to entice customers into purchasing these additional items. Similarly, a sports team can use a point of purchase display to promote branded merchandise and encourage fans to buy merchandise during the game.

Moreover, a point of purchase display can also explain special offers or discounts. For example, a car dealership can set up a point of purchase display that describes current sales or other financing options to help consumers decide. Additionally, a bank can use a point of purchase display to inform customers about the benefits of their checking or savings accounts.

When choosing a point of purchase display, it is important to consider the needs of your business and the target audience. A reputable point of purchase display company can recommend a solution best suited to your goals and budget. Options include aisle violators, digital displays, and more. If you’re looking for a more permanent solution, many customizable options are available, including magnetic graphics and window clings.

Encourages Impulse Purchases

Humans aren’t purely rational, and they make purchases that they hadn’t budgeted or planned for. Impulse buys account for a significant portion of consumer spending, according to Slickdeal. Retail businesses can encourage impulse purchases by showcasing low-cost items near the cash register or point of sale. This technique is known as inferential suggestive selling. For example, Sephora displays a few of its cheapest products in an impulse buy display, which has proven successful in increasing sales. To maximize the impact of a point of purchase display, consider tailoring the contents to your customers’ specific needs and shopping habits. For example, if your customers are marathon shoppers, you may want to offer them water bottles and lip balm in the checkout line. If they purchase home decor to create a certain aesthetic in their space, you can inspire them with scented candles. You can also use your POS system to identify which products often go together, and you can highlight them in a point of purchase display to encourage cross-selling as your customers ring up their bills.

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