Wed. Sep 4th, 2024
Hiring Full Stack

The demand for full-stack developers has been on the rise in the global market. These developers are capable of front-end and back-end development, both. That makes them highly valued assets for any company with an online presence. And over the last decade or so, global markets have turned to India to find high-quality, full-stack developers.

India has a vast pool of tech talent which is globally renowned. Couple that with the rise of remote work culture today, and you have the perfectly balanced deal, as all deals should be! You get access to the world’s largest talent pool and you still end up saving more without having to compromise on quality.

So when you choose to hire full stack developer in India, you do get a lot of advantages, and that’s a known fact. But every coin has two sides to it. Along with the advantages, there are also some challenges that you may come across. But with the right guidance, you can easily overcome them all.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the challenges you face when you hire full stack developers from India. And along with that, we’ll also look at effective ways to deal with those challenges. So let’s get started!

Navigating Communication Barriers

1.Navigating Communication Barriers

Here’s how this challenge can cause you some roadblocks. 


This is a general concern whenever you hire full stack developers from a foreign country. It may lead to disrupted communication and also affect your project timelines and outcomes. As you already know, India is a country of diverse cultures and languages.

English is spoken by a large percentage of professionals there. But there might be some intricate details, accents, jargon, or references that they may not be able to grasp. It may lead to misunderstandings or friction in the team.


Use Standardized Tools:

Always prefer tools like Zoom, Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Google Workspace. These are universally recognized and used platforms that can aid in better communication.

Regular Check-ins:

Make it a system to mark regular check-ins and check-outs. Add regular meetings to your team’s schedule to discuss updates and resolve queries. This is a great way to streamline the communication process and glue to team to a common cause.

Cultural Sensitivity Training:

Having your developers and hiring managers take cultural sensitivity training can play a huge role in this. It can create a healthy, inclusive environment for employees from all cultures & regions.

2.Bridging Time Zone Differences

Here’s how this challenge can cause you some roadblocks.


This is a common challenge faced by many while collaborating with full stack developers from India. Varying time zones can cause hindrances in communication as well as work patterns. It can be difficult to get real-time feedback on ongoing tasks.


Flexible Work Hours:

This is not only a good solution, but a healthy practice. A lot of companies around the world have started adopting this. Flexible work schedules have opened up new avenues for hiring global talents. So if your company is based in the US and you hire full stack developer in India, you can arrange calls and discussions in overlapping hours.

Set Clear Expectations:

Make sure you are 100% transparent about this aspect. Managers and developers should both be on the same page about the timelines. It can help you avoid any delays in the project’s delivery.

Leverage the Time Difference:

Rather than letting it affect your business, you can actually take advantage of the time difference. If a certain task is assigned at the end of a workday in the US, it can be picked up by an Indian developer. This means that your project remains active for 24 hours and your deliveries are accelerated.

Use Collaborative Tools:

Try to incorporate the usage of various tools that help you optimize teamwork. You can consider Trello, Asana, or Jira for tracking the progress and getting project updates.

3.Ensuring Skill Compatibility

Here’s how this challenge can cause you some roadblocks.


When you’re looking at a large talent pool, it is obvious that there will be talents of various skill levels. Every company and every project has different requirements. India has a huge market of tech talents available for hire but finding the skillset that suits you the best can be difficult. If you end up hiring an incompatible talent, it may harm your project quite a lot.


Technical Assessments:

Make sure you assign a technical task to every shortlisted candidate. It must be something that’s related to their potential everyday tasks at your company. Their performance in this test will give you an idea about their skills and expertise. It becomes a good filter for choosing the final few candidates for interviews.

Scenario-based Questions:

Present them with real-world scenarios that they may come across. It could be something that your teams have faced in the past. This helps you gauge their technical skills as well as aptitude in dealing with complex real-world issues.

Soft Skills Evaluation:

Having good communication skills is just as important as being technically sound. If the developer is an effective communicator, it becomes easy to work with the team and understand the company’s values and ethos.

Peer Review:

When working in a team, gathering reviews from peers can play a major role in providing insights about an individual. It shows you a real-world view of the developer’s abilities, ethics, and self-management.

4.Overcoming Contractual and Legal Hurdles

Here’s how this challenge can cause you some roadblocks.


There are a lot of legal hurdles when you hire a talent from overseas. You have to comply with several legal obligations and IP rights. Being aware of all the legalities and formalities is crucial in global hiring.


Understand International Hiring Laws:

When you hire full stack developer from India, you must be aware of the employment laws of India. Make sure you know enough about contracts, termination clauses, and employee rights.

Seek Legal Counsel:

Get a legal expert on board. It’s the simplest and easiest way of dealing with these challenges. Hire an expert who is familiar with international employment laws to review your papers.

Clear Intellectual Property Agreements:

Be very clear about IP rights as it’s a sensitive topic. Clearly state the ownership of any code, designs, or other material that is generated during the course of the collaboration.

Dispute Resolution:

There should be a clearly defined protocol to follow whenever there are any disputes. It should provide enough clarity on how any kind of legal issues would be handled and settled.



India is the biggest tech talent provider for global markets and for a good reason. It is the home to the world’s best tech talents, especially when it comes to developers. While there are some challenges in hiring full stack developers from India, they can be easily taken care of when you have the right guidance.

First and foremost, you must know when to do it yourself and when to hire an expert to do it for you. Make sure you choose the right hiring platform when you hire full stack developer in India. When executed right, this decision can prove to be the most productive, cost-effective, and impactful deal you’ll have made.

The best part of hiring developers from India is that you can find suitable talent at any price point. And the case remains the same no matter whether you’re a startup or an established company. Face the challenges wisely and you’ll definitely end up on the profitable side of the deal, miles ahead of the competition.

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