Wed. Sep 4th, 2024

Motorcycles are one of the most convenient ways of transportation all over the world. Sadly accidents using this transportation have been reported almost everyday. As a rider, being aware of the common places where motorcycles can occur can help you take precautions and avoid getting involved or can lower the risk of getting into an accident. Getting familiar with the dangers you can blend into defensive driving strategies.  In cases where you got caught up in motorcycle accident issues then a highly-skilled motorcycle accident lawyer near Austin from Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law can be a perfect one to hire to help you with the legal procedure. 

Where do 70% of motorcycle accidents occur?

According to statistics, approximately 70% of motorcycle accidents occur at intersections. This is a critical piece of information for both motorcyclists and other drivers on the road. Intersections can be dangerous for motorcycles due to factors such as limited visibility, drivers failing to yield, or misjudging the speed of an approaching motorcycle. It is crucial for all motorists to exercise caution and be aware of their surroundings, especially at intersections, to prevent accidents and ensure the safety of everyone on the road.

Causes of motorcycle accidents

Lack Of Visibility

Due to the small size of the motorcycle, its visibility is an issue, it is often overlooked on the blind spots and when vehicles are on the changing lanes. Risk can be minimized by using headlights almost most of the time, and wearing reflective clothing for positioning themselves in places where they can be easily seen by other drivers. 


Motorcycle riders sometimes go too fast, which can lead to accidents. It’s important to stick to speed limits so they can quickly react to dangers or things in the way on the road.

Inexperienced Riders

Riding a motorcycle takes skill and know-how. Beginners might not be ready to deal with tough situations or see dangers coming. New riders should get trained and licensed before they start riding.

Distracted Driving

Texting, talking on the phone, eating, or any other activity that diverts the attention of the rider can lead to a serious accident. It is important for motorcycle riders to stay focused and avoid any distractions while operating their motorcycles.

Motorcycle Accidents Occur More Frequently in Some Locations

Urban vs. Rural Locations

City roads are more occupied than country roads which makes them more susceptible to accidents. Motorcycles have to find ways to get in between vehicles to move faster and make it more dangerous for the riders. Navigating on busy streets can have a higher accident rate compared when driving in rural areas. So taking extra precautions is needed when driving in rural areas. 

Intersections vs. Non-Intersections

Intersections are one of the areas where accidents happen as this area is confusing and motorcycle riders often are not so visible compared with bigger vehicles when traversing this area of the road. So being mindful when driving to intersections is crucial.

Interstate Roads v. Non-Interstate Roads

Another location-based factor that affects the frequency of motorcycle accidents is the type of road. Interstate roads, with their high speeds and heavy traffic, pose a greater risk to motorcycle riders. The higher speeds increase the severity of accidents and reduce the reaction time for both riders and drivers. Non-interstate roads, on the other hand, may have narrower lanes, curves, and uneven surfaces, making them more challenging to navigate for motorcyclists. Understanding the risks associated with different types of roads can help riders take appropriate precautions and adjust their riding style accordingly.

Geographical Locations of Motorcycle Crashes

There are areas where roads are steep or have more sharp turns due to geographical locations. Motorcycle accidents are more prone as riders have difficulties in going through this type of road. Weather can also affect road conditions as rain makes the path slippery and motorcycles are hard to control on such surfaces. 

Once you get into a motorcycle accident, hiring a lawyer is best as they can guide you on the procedures and push through with your case to be able to get the compensation you deserve. Getting involved in motorcycle accidents can lead you to financial losses and physical or even mental injuries so better hire a professional to assist you in filing the necessary claims. 

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