Wed. Sep 4th, 2024

Customers from your plumbing website want to know why they should call you. Here’s a hint, it doesn’t include someone who promises you thousands of hits to your website. I don’t know about you, but I can’t feed my kid’s website hits or visitors.

Sorry to burst your bubbles, but the guy on the phone who promises you thousands of hits on your web page may not know what he’s talking about.

You can see that it is not a hit or visit to your website that allows customers to call your office. This is getting customers to come to your web page to call your office.

Here are three dirty little secrets that will allow customers to call you from your website.

1. Call to action:

Have you visited a web page and found it difficult to find the contact phone number or the internet site later realized that they provided the product or service you needed, but only in one corner of the website. It’s ridiculous, but when I ask plumbing companies this question they always say “but here’s the service behind everything else.

 It’s great that they know where the toilet replacement information is, but everyone else has to search for it. Keep in mind that webpage industry studies have shown that visitors only have an average of six seconds on an internet site if it doesn’t interest them. So the dirty little secret is a call to action and it’s big and obvious at the top of the page.  Lead generation services for plumbing companies know this well as you can see on this website.

2. More 10% discount coupon:

Sorry but a great deal about your 10% discount coupon. How many times can you honestly say that you got enough business by offering 10% discount coupons?

Meanwhile, why do you think customers go to the Internet in the first place? Why do you go to the internet? I bet that for the same reason the website industry has found, customers want information.

They want to see who provides plumbing services in the area and want to know if these companies can be trusted.

I know customers are not saying it out loud, but they are saying it subconsciously.

When you visit the internet sites of your plumbing competitors, don’t they feel like an advertisement or a brochure for the company? You have to ask yourself, would you trust these companies just by reading their web pages?

But if they provide information about themselves (photos of actual plumbing licenses, owner identification videos, actual full name customer testimonials and not just Johnny B’s testimonials, etc.) customers will begin to feel confident. Just saying on this website that you are the best, people will not believe you.

3. Don’t fool me, all plumbing websites are basically the same!

Although you can find a really nice professional plumbing web page, they all look and act like online brochures. I would suggest you do something different. Articles on why nonprofit plumbing companies can be avoided and how to get rid of Johnny Plumbers are not provided. Better yet, do it on video and put it on your internet site. Customers will believe it when it actually comes from you.

There is no secret to the ideas I have mentioned. These ideas come directly from the web page marketing book that you can easily get. All you need to know is which books are best and where they are.

It would be great if you knew how to change your website and add videos or articles. Imagine that your customers have been sent a mailing or email, where they can go to your website for more information. Designing your website like a salesperson will be the best way for customers to call you.

You can do this very easily with the help of website software designed for even the most dingle-headed plumber. The software is available, you just need to know where it can be found.

By admin

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