Wed. Sep 4th, 2024
SEO & PPC Conversion

It’s a massive crowd of brands out there on the internet. Every brand worth it’s salt is striving hard to achieve two important objectives.

First is to get noticed by its target customer and second more importantly is to achieve conversion by these customers visiting your website.

To market yourself better on the internet, you can avail of SEO services and/or PPC services from your concerned Digital Marketing agency. However, in both cases, the million-dollar question is to achieve higher conversion rates.

Here are some ways that assure you of higher conversion rates no matter whether you have availed of SEO services or PPC services:

  • Use the right keywords: This is the Holy Grail of Digital Marketing. It all starts with this particular input. This is one input which is common for both types of searches – SEO (free) and PPC (paid).  Spend your time the most in identifying the right keywords which will not only grab your customers attention for you but also encourage them to click on your link on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page)

  • A/B testing: It is always advisable to publish the message that has a higher probability of being clicked. A/B testing helps you decide the one which has a higher probability of getting clicked of all possible options available with you.

  • Get your landing pages right: Imagine a scenario when your customer has clicked on the SEO or PPC link and finds that the webpage does not have information relevant to the keyword. Not only is this a missed opportunity to build on conversion, but it is also a lost customer too! Hence, ensure that upon clicking the customer lands on the right page that carries the relevant information as promised.

  • Using the combination of SEO and PPC: Both SEO and PPC support each other. Keywords that perform very well in PPC need to become a part of your SEO. Also, certain keywords for which competition is high in SEO should become a part of PPC campaigns. Newer keywords or phrases should always be tested through SEO and PPC to create a pool of high-performance keywords.

  • Keep an eye on your competitors keywords: You cannot ignore what your competitors are doing. Keep your eyes open for keywords that they are targeting. This gives you an idea about what the industry is thinking and more importantly what all are the customers searching for. You can then use these keywords either for SEO or for PPC.

  • Know your current position: Only when you know where you currently stand can you attempt to change your position. With tools like Google Analytics, you can easily determine your current conversion rates for a specific keyword or for a campaign. Only when you know the current status can you aim for higher conversions.

  • Remarket & Attractive offer: Particularly for PPC, remarketing and an attractive offer plays a very critical role in driving higher conversions. Through remarketing, you can follow those customers who had recently evinced interest in your products. Since customers take time to move from consideration to buying, remarketing and an attractive offer can help to traverse this journey faster.

  • Use Analytics effectively: Giving the right inputs is half part of the story. The other half is figuring out what went right and what went wrong with your inputs during the campaign or when the campaign ends. Analytics not only helps to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your campaign but more importantly gives you a clearer idea of including or excluding certain things in your next set of inputs. Analytics is the most potent tool of all to achieve higher conversion rates.

These conversion-boosting tips have been arrived at after careful study of inputs and analysis after working with our client brands placed across the world for years.

We at WebMaxed PPC service are of the opinion that both SEO services and PPC services are equally important to build a strong brand. 

However,  irrespective of the input you choose, your focus should always be on achieving higher conversion rates. 


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