Wed. Sep 4th, 2024

Is Google listening to us? This is probably one of the most common questions that we all have thought about.

Google shows us with amazing recommendations by predicting our intent of search that sometimes we are stunned. It is only possible because of AI integration. The role that AI is playing in this digital world is fascinating.

We are surrounded by AI-powered marketing, and sometimes we even cannot recognize it. The ads that we see on social media while browsing Facebook or watching videos on YouTube are all AI-powered. Not only this, but AI is doing much more when it comes to digital marketing.

Almost every marketer is looking forward to leveraging AI in order to market their products.

The above mentioned are some stats which show different areas of marketing where almost 20-24 per cent of marketers are already using artificial intelligence and almost 55-59 per cent of marketers have similar future plans. These stats clearly answer why AI is called the future of digital marketing.

Let’s dive into various sections and areas of digital marketing where AI is playing a huge role and will be vital in the future as well.

1. AI-Powered Chatbots

Almost all of us have interacted with AI chatbots at least once, and even we do not know it. AI-powered chatbots are growing rapidly in all industries. Almost every business requires a customer support department, and hence chatbots have a huge market. According to Invesp, almost 70 per cent of global consumers had an interaction with a chatbot last year.

And almost 88 per cent of the people who had a conversation with an AI chatbot have positive or neutral feedback about it (Drift).

Voice recognition technology, language processing and semantic algorithms have made it possible for businesses to adopt chatbots. They provide you with a variety of benefits. Not only can it handle multiple clients at once, but it is super perfect in keeping the records and data. They do not require any rest and can support your client from all time zones day in and day out. Moreover, the customer can choose a language of their own while communicating, which makes it easier for the customer and makes them comfortable.

2. Intelligent Content Curators

As Bill Gates said, content is the king, and it will last longer. Marketers need content so that they can create an impact with their digital marketing campaigns. Now, AI is helping them with content creation and curation. We have heard about AI influencing SEO content, creating texts in the form of blog posts and articles, but AI has gone beyond writing. AI is helping marketers in creating audio and video content as well.

Tools like, Synthesia, and Lumen5 are playing a significant role and are helping digital marketers create meaningful videos for marketing purposes. These softwares are able to create excellent and engaging videos for your YouTube channel, documentaries, social media marketing campaigns, etc.

3. Personalized Product Recommendations

How many times you have visited an online store and come up with personalized recommendations. It is not done manually, but AI and its smart algorithms are doing it for marketers. AI is capable of analyzing your daily searches, online shopping, and interests. Based on this, it recommends different products.

According to stats provided by, 49 per cent of buyers say that they have bought products that they do not intend to buy initially, all because of product recommendations. Personalized product recommendations can also keep your customer satisfied and engaged and spend more time on your website. It will ultimately result in increased sales as 54 retailers believe that product recommendation is the key factor in their increased sales.

4. AI Combined With AR/VR

Many brands are working with AI-powered AR/VR technology in order to enhance the shopping experiences of their customers. Without physically touching the products, people are able to try them and visualize them with the help of augmented and virtual reality applications.

A multinational clothing retailer. TopShop in Britain has utilized this technology where you can try the dress just by standing in front of a mirrored screen and camera.

You can also experience how furniture would look in your room, and many more customized shopping experiences can be created using this technology in the future.

5. Smart Marketing & Advertisement

We all spend a lot of time on social media and using different mobile apps, and going through various advertisements daily. Most of the ads we look at are related to our searches, interests and previous experiences.

This is only possible because of artificial intelligence. Marketers are now able to save a lot of money using these targeted marketing strategies where they can market their products to potential buyers.

Along with all that, digital marketers and AI experts are still working hard in order to improve their algorithms and utilize python and other AI languages to enhance smart marketing approaches.

6. Data Analysation

What makes AI the most impactful thing is the way it manages your data. AI languages and softwares have the great ability not only to keep your data but to arrange it in a way that you can utilize it purposefully. and Eka are among the best tools that leverage AI and provide you with useful data.

7. AI And The Voice Search

Voice searches are increasing rapidly, and by 2025 almost 75 per cent of the searches made on mobile will be done by speaking out queries. Hence digital markets and SEOs are shaping their contents according to voice search. AI has helped marketers analyze various voice samples and enhance their content according to it.

AI-Powered Marketing Tools

There are numerous tools and software available in the market that use artificial intelligence for marketing purposes. You can leverage such tools in order to promote your products and achieve success with your digital marketing campaign. Let’s have a quick look at some tools listed by the coursework writing service, in one of their papers, as the most used AI-powered marketing tools.

  • co: Used for customer engagement and chatbot
  • Cortex: A tool that can optimize your social media content
  • com: Best tool for managing PPC bid, Google Adwords and online advertisement budget
  • co: A software that can help with tracking and analysis of various data
  • com: AI-powered content generator which can also help with keyword analyzation
  • Hubspot: One of the best lead generators and CRM

Along with the above-mentioned tools, there are many other tools that can be of great use when utilizing AI for digital marketing in the future.

While Summing Up…

Without any doubt, AI is helping a lot in digital marketing campaigns and has a lot to do with marketing and business in the future. From analyzing SEO trends, providing business opportunities, and suggesting marketing strategies to enhancing product recommendations, boosting customer engagement, and improving the shopping experience. All such areas will have a great impact via AI in the future. AI is the answer to all marketing hurdles of the future.

Author Bio

Claudia Jeffrey is currently working as an Editor at Crowd Writer. She supports students with essay help online. Claudia loves to read books and blogs. She keeps herself updated with the latest technology and tech trends. She has worked as a Digital Marketer at MHR Writer as well.

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