Wed. Sep 4th, 2024

At some moment, you must have faced some ransomware or malware in your computer system. Or maybe your system got attacked by a virus? 

These are very common if you are using the internet to do the majority of your work. With more people spending time on the web, cyber crimes are also on the surge. 

But can we protect ourselves from these activities? Is installing antivirus software and a strong password enough? Probably not! 

Installing antivirus software and a strong password combination is the first line of defense. Antivirus software protects your system by scanning incoming documents or files to your system. But this doesn’t ensure complete security to your system. 

For example, if you have adequate knowledge about cyber security you would have installed a residential proxy to your server. Using a residential proxy can safeguard your system from blockers, maintaining anonymity, etc. 

With such an increase in cybercrimes, more people with cyber security degrees are in need. Companies and businesses are hiring more people having a degree in cyber security, and IT specializations. The reason being to protect the millions of dollars of information stored in their organization.For this they utilize the power of proxies and VPNs for data safety. Try RARBG mirror source for this.

According to a report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies more than $1 trillion gets lost every year due to cybercrimes. These losses are increasing the need for more people with cyber security degrees and experiences. 

What is a Cyber Security Degree? 

To start with there is no major difference between a computer science degree and a cyber security degree. Computer science is the complete study of networks, systems, and engineering. Whereas cyber security is a specialization subject under computer science. Students will learn about networking and software engineering along with coding and algorithms. 

In simple terms, cyber security personnel will learn about bits of every sector of computer and network engineering. This will include network engineering, computer networking, information technology, application security, etc. 

The person will be an expert in dealing with malware protection, identity theft, and anti-virus protection. Knowledge about hacking and encryption is also important for becoming a cyber security expert. 

Students can start becoming cyber security experts by taking computer degrees during undergraduate. Many also take certification courses to specialize in one field of cyber security. 

But Is having a cyber security degree truly worth the hype? Let’s look at the point of why having a cyber security degree is worth it. 

  1. High Demand 

Because of the increase in cybercrime, the surge for hiring of cyber security personnel is also huge. Cyber attacks are not limited to one sector. It is common in other sectors too including education, health, business, etc. 

But with such an increase in demand, the percentage of experienced people is less. Thus people with good experience and education are in demand to meet this shortage. 

According to a Forbes report, candidates are facing many job opportunities with over 30% salary increments. Companies are retaining existing employees with salary hikes due to a shortage of manpower. 

  1. High Salary 

Not only are the cyber security personnel in demand, but the salary for them is also high. Due to the shortage of skilled and experienced workers, companies are highly compensating the eligible ones. 

Once you start climbing up the organizational ladder, you can gain designations like CSO, CISO. According to a Forbes report, the salary of a San Francisco CISCO can go up to $380,000. 

The bottom line is that the salary of a mid-level and higher-level cyber security person is fantastic. But to get good compensation, the degree and experience should also be higher. 

  1. Global opportunities 

The demand for cyber security personnel is not concentrated in one geographical location. A network is a vulnerable place across the globe. Thus, the demand for cyber security personnel is high throughout the world. 

Having a good degree will open employment opportunities across Asia, America, Africa, and more. According to a report by ISC2’s Cybersecurity Workforce Study, there is a shortage of 4.07 million cyber security personnel across the globe. To meet up to this increasing demand, the workforce needs to be increased by hundreds of folds. 

  1. Diverse job profiles 

Having good knowledge and skills doesn’t restrict you to a single job profile. There are a variety of job profiles available. Some of the most common and demanding job roles are:

  • Security Architect 

People with knowledge in IT can opt for being a security architect. They are responsible for architecting and maintaining the IT network within an organization. 

  • White hat hacker 

Hacking is one of the commonest types of cyberattacks. Many organizations and companies hire white-hat hackers to keep testing their security levels. The responsibility is to test and penetrate the organization’s security system. They help in fixing any security loopholes, and patches of the organization. 

  • Digital Forensic Expert 

With such an increase in cyber and digital crimes, the demand for digital forensic experts is also increasing. The main role of a digital forensic expert is to track digital evidence at any crime scene. 

They are responsible for performing testing and audit to help present evidence in the Court of Law. 

  • Cyber Security Analyst 

They are responsible for the protection of an organization’s hardware, networks, and software. They test and monitor for any threats and faults in the IT infrastructure. 

They are also responsible for implementing protection measures to the IT infrastructure. 

  1. Development of Management and Leadership Skills 

Besides good compensation and global opportunities, another thing you can get is good leadership opportunities. The job of a cyber security person is demanding and requires keen observation skills. They are responsible for managing an entire organization’s network. The dynamic nature of the job gives you exposure to leading global teams. 

People who love consistent changes, and solving technical challenges will also thrive in this field. 

Wrapping Up

The role and responsibilities of cyber personnel come with big challenges. Data theft, hacking can hamper an organization’s reputation both physically and financially. To stop these breaches and to safeguard them requires good education and experience. 

With the increase of job opportunities opting for a career in cyber security will definitely turn lucrative for you. 

By admin

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