Wed. Sep 4th, 2024

We always to attain that clear and healthy glowing skin but with the lifestyle of today’s world, it is somewhat impossible to get these. You need to avoid certain things that can trigger skin problems like acne breakout pigmentation etc. It is not totally on what you apply on your skin but what you eat to provide nutrition to your skin is what matters most. The first and foremost thing you should do is to maintain a good diet for a healthy-looking skin. For more information about professional skin treatment head over to Victorian Dermal Group.


It is important to avoid certain foods to make skin healthy or even consider less intake of these foods.


Alcohol can cause an inflammatory skin reaction which can cause acne to break out because it contains high amounts of additives especially sugar additives in beverages like cocktails. The sugar is inflammatory which can double up with alcohol and promote acne. Another thing is that it causes the hydration which is the reason for more production of oil which can cause breakouts.

Dairy products

Dairy products are the number one enemy which can trigger acne because they contain high amounts of hormones which can cause blockage of pores. The dairy products like milk butter cheese yoga ice cream or curd should be taken in less amount or go for non dairy alternatives of these products.

Refined carbohydrate

Refined carbohydrate is an enemy to skin problems because it can act as Pro inflammatory especially with acne prone skin. Refined carbohydrates like white rice, white flour, bread, sugar and refined flour are dangerous for health.

High glucose

Apart from refined carbohydrates and other things that are harmful and create inflammation and difficulty to control acne potatoes carrots watermelon because they can increase the blood sugar level and cause inflammation. Instead eat broccoli, Brussels sprout, cauliflower asparagus leafy greens, beans, radishes and water chestnuts that help maintain the blood glucose level and help the skin to give a glow.

Fatty foods

Fatty or fried food contains a lot of trans fat which acts to cause inflammation in the skin creating a blemish environment. We need to consider taking a damn in a very small amount to avoid any skin blemish problem. Instead make sure to make your food with less amount of oil that can cause damage instead of providing nutrition. Foods that contain high amounts of fat not only affect your skin but also affect the heart arteries and can result in blockage of them.

Processed food

We also need to avoid the convenient source of food which is processed food that is filled with refined sugar flour and unhealthy amounts of fat. Even if that is a budget-friendly option it can be a long-term problem for you.


The defining factor about your body and skin is diet. Making small changes in your right can improve your overall health and skin. A healthy diet is equivalent to healthy skin.

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