Wed. Sep 4th, 2024
Factors to consider for making your app global

With years of efforts and strategies, your mobile application is making a round of applause in the local market. It is letting you generate wholesome money, a great user base, and a great competition to other competing mobile applications. 

Making a sharp mark in the local market, it is now time to make an impact in the global market also. The global market is open for innovation, idea, creativity, and affordability, and if you are capable of offering them what they ask for, your app no doubt can be tagged as a globalized app too. 

However, there are several factors you need to consider when opting for app globalization as translating the app is not enough. 

Here in this article, we will be exploring those crucial factors you should keep in mind even during the app development stages too.

So, let’s start- 


  • Measure the step


The first step is always the hardest to take in the beginning. Thus, make sure you are allocating resources in a correct and strategic manner rather than investing everything at once. Begin with the very basics and work as per the outcomes you will be getting. 

However, you need to be sure that there isn’t any surety of making your app outstanding in the global market, thus, come up with a great number of features and functionalities. Also, the initial phase of the app globalization will be slow but don’t forget to work till the end. 


  • App download


Before beginning with the applications, make sure you are offering a global audience with a great number of features and functions. Come up with some good features that can attract users along with a unique approach. 

There are a few things you should definitely look at like- 

  • Get to know your app in in-depth, figure out everything about it. 
  • Check out what are users asking and demanding. Review the most used keyword, search everything about apps in Google Play, and iTunes. Once you are done with the keywords, club your user demands with the ideas. 
  • Do research on competing apps in Google Play and the Apple App Store. See what their loopholes are and where are they lagging. By analyzing everything, come up with a better solution. 
  • If you got some similar apps related to your app idea, use them and see their drawbacks, defects, and how you can solve them with your application. 
  • Test your app, take guidance from leading mobile app development company, and opt for beta testing for more accurate results. After getting the feedback, reviews, make changes to the app accordingly without fail. 

However, if you are not opting for a brand new app and would like to go ahead with the prevailing application, so, in such a situation, go through your app, check it thoroughly and see if it worth making it global at this point of time. 

Evaluate the changes and failures too. 


  • Bug fixing


Opting for globalization is a costly affair and leaving even a trace of bug or error can spoil its overall potential of leading the market. Performance issues are quite common that encourages users to quit using the app. Also, no matter how amazing your application is, if it is crashing every now and then, it will lead users to uninstall the app. Overall, a small issue in the app can become a bigger mess.

Thus, before getting anything, look- 

  • That your app is not taking excessive CPU and power.
  • If the app is addressing security and privacy parts nicely.
  • Look for any memory leaks. 
  • Limit advertising and use it whenever required only.
  • Minimizing the use of push notifications.
  • See if app loading time exceeds or not and so on.

Never leave your app with even the smallest of bug along with looking at any obvious error fixing too. 


  • The app translation


It is crucial to make your make absolutely aligned to the needs of the users in other countries too. Here comes the need of app translation to make the app feasible to the users. 

Take some help from iOS, Android app developers, and work upon various app translation sides like- 

  • Correct text string
  • The right and translated metadata
  • Whole app translation 
  • The translated push notifications
  • Privacy policy
  • App description
  • App video translate information and so on. 

However, there is one thing you should keep a note on, and i.e.- avoid using machines for translating the application. Go for localization, enabling your app to be useful and accessible to the local citizens living in different countries. 


  • The right app market


It is good to opt for various markets for app globalization, however, it is not a good practice to not looking at your potential. If you have an abundance of resources and money, going ahead with many countries can be easy, however, if not having such things, it will otherwise be a gamble. 

Study the market greatly, as going global does not mean making your app available throughout the globe with numerous language versions. 

These are a few things to consider when going ahead with mobile app globalization. There are more in the list to look at. Following and adopting these techniques is great to make the app globally accessible and competing without fail. 

By admin

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