Wed. Sep 4th, 2024

Getting a higher education is half a battle. Finding your first job is another challenge that involves searching, ups and downs, overcoming the social obstacles and your limitations. But the better you are prepared for this process, the more smoothly it will go.

Correspondence is an integral part of any business communication. When looking for a job, a letter is a good opportunity to stand out from the crowd of applicants and show that it is you the employer searches. It can draw attention to your candidacy, enhance the impression of the interview, maintain or end a business relationship in a polite manner.

So, if you are an undergraduate student, maybe it’s high time to ask professionals at for help with some home assignments. Meanwhile, take some time to learn more about job application procedures.

Let’s review the peculiarities of the most common letters you will need to write to land your first job after college.

7 Most-Popular Types of Job Search Letters

  1. Inquiry Letter

Sometimes you can be interested in working for a company that doesn’t advertise openings. The inquiry letters come to rescue when you assume that positions may be opened soon, or you just want to establish a communication with a particular company.

The main points to include are listed below.

  • How you found out about the company;
  • Your achievements that are related to the company’s activities;
  • Your status (graduating from high school, looking for a job);
  • Full awareness of the responsibilities you will have to perform in the desired area.
  1. Cover Letter

A cover letter is a correspondence that the candidate addresses to a specific employer to express the desire to take up the vacant post. Before writing, you need to collect enough information about the company, the job, and, if possible, about the person who will receive your message.

The cover letter should fulfill the following points.

  • Attract attention with a good style;
  • Arouse the interest in your qualifications;
  • Share academic achievements;
  • Ensure the best job and lead to an invitation to an interview and employment.

Here are some tips for writing a successful cover letter.

  • Be brief, try to present all the necessary information in a few words;
  • Write sincerely, in a friendly tone, but without familiarity;
  • Do not make exaggerated statements, do not brag. Give the reader an adequate assessment of your abilities.
  1. Thank-You Letter

Recently, it has become common to write a polite thank-you message after an interview. You can expresses gratitude to the interviewer for their time. Such a letter helps to strengthen the positive impression, mitigate the negative moments if there were any.

A thank-you letter should emphasize your interest in the job and assure the HR manager that you are an ideal employee. You may end the text with a simple but heartfelt phrase “waiting for a response”.

Note that it’s better to communicate no later than three days after the interview.

  1. Follow-Up Letter

A follow-up letter summarizes the results of the meeting and reminds of the commitments and decisions made. The main reason for writing may also be the question or additional information.

You can consider sending a follow-up message in one of the following cases.

  1. During an interview, you got lost in the conversation and forgot to mention something essential.
  2. One of the important questions to the employer has slipped your mind.
  3. Useful ideas came to you after the interview. The company values the applicant’s professional opinion and will be happy to listen to their ideas on a job or a project.

Another advantage of follow-up is that you can specify when to expect a response, and write again if you don’t get the result in due time.

  1. Withdrawal Letter

It happens that you have to withdraw your application before a position is offered to you. You may have to write it because you’ve found another job or changed your mind for some other reason. In this case, you need to write a withdrawal letter and inform an employer about the decision. Writing it will ensure you don’t take somebody’s time and that nobody’s counting on you.

  1. Rejection Letter

Often, people are negotiating about several jobs at once. And by the time one of the employers makes you a job offer, you may be leaning in favor of the other. If you refuse a position that has been offered to you, do it carefully and respectfully. Commend for the time spent on negotiations and for the willingness to hire you.

  1. Acceptance Letter

Writing about acceptance of a job offer is one of the most enjoyable moments for an applicant. This type of correspondence matters because it records the final agreements between you and the employer. It is appropriate to express your joy at joining the company’s team. Also, you are recommended to include the date on which you are ready to start working.

Acceptance job offer letter


The success of your employment greatly depends on the correctness of the written communication. Do not neglect this important condition of getting a job after college that will surely become a good starting point of your glittering career.

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By tarun

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