Wed. Sep 4th, 2024
How to organize the transportation of personal belongings

Transporting personal belongings is a story that needs to be prepared for in advance. Usually, there are a lot of things. That is, they need to be sorted out by type in advance, throw away the excess, pack them correctly, and also find reliable transport. If you miss something, then there is a high chance of failing the mission: losing some things dear to your heart, accidentally breaking, dropping, or spoiling something.

To prevent this from happening, it is very important to order the transportation of personal belongings from those who will not let you down and to draw up an action plan in advance. Read our article about how to plan everything and organize the transportation of household items without wasting time, money, and nerves.

Tips for transporting personal belongings

We’ve put together 8 top tips for moving your belongings, from the process of packing your home to moving it into your new place. Read and remember these life hacks – and then your move will be much easier and faster.

1. Conduct an audit

Oddly enough, be prepared to get rid of a third of the item before transporting it. Something is broken – you should just throw it away, something you no longer need – it’s better to give such things to friends or acquaintances, and there are also most things that you temporarily do not need.

What does this mean: this is either something for growth or the future (children’s clothing, toys, repair materials) or seasonal items (clothes and shoes), as well as sports equipment that is unlikely to be useful to you shortly after moving – bicycles, snowboards, skis, camping equipment, boats, etc. All these things can be handed over for temporary storage to a special service.

2. Prepare all necessary packaging materials in advance

What you will need to transport things:

  • scotch;
  • scissors;
  • stretch packaging film;
  • packaging bubble film for fragile items;
  • plain paper or polystyrene foam for packaging ceramics and glass;
  • carton boxes;
  • packages;
  • trash bags;
  • large durable bags for clothes;
  • markers for marking boxes.

3. Be sure to set a moving date in advance

To avoid fuss, set the day of your move in advance – before that, you will need about a week and a half to prepare: to buy packaging materials, carry out packing, and sort out the documents.

4. Book suitable transport

If you rely on yourself when transporting personal belongings, you may end up with something like the picture below – difficult and almost impossible.

It is best to use the services of professional moving companies like Dumbo moving – they have vehicles with different bodies that will fit all your belongings. To do this, measure the largest furniture in advance and generally estimate the number of things so that the manager can choose the right car for your move.

5. Pack all items correctly and label the boxes

Proper packing of things is the key to their safety. Don’t risk expensive things – for this, take the time to pack everything correctly: fragile things need to be wrapped in bubble film, and for electronics, you will need packaging with foam plastic.

Clothes should also be protected from accidental moisture (what if it rains on the day of transportation) – either vacuum bags or special covers for clothes will help here.

6. Prepare a separate box with important documents

It is not at all necessary that it will be just a box – you can put all the important papers in a folder, suitcase or bag. The point is simple – all documents should be in one place, never mix them with the general mass of things, so that you can get the necessary paper at any time.

7. Do not make large purchases the day before moving things

This life hack will reduce the already large number of things to transport, and you will buy everything you need when you settle in your new place.

8. Load and unload things correctly

You can’t throw things into the car haphazardly – you might break something, and it will be inconvenient to unload. There must be logic in everything!

Start loading the truck with the largest items – furniture, and household appliances. Then load the boxes, and only lastly all the smallest things (so that the weight of larger things does not put pressure on those small items that you loaded on the floor), fragile and require special attention, for example, indoor plants.


As you already understand, the most important thing in transportation is an action plan and time to prepare. If you plan everything, then there will be a minimum of surprises in the process, and in general, everything will go smoothly.

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