Wed. Sep 4th, 2024

The bond between humans and pets transcends the territory of explanations, with both sides feeling intrigued by the others’ choices or behaviors. It doesn’t matter who is surprised more than the other. However, humans possess many superior characteristics, of which language, higher cognitive abilities, and creativity allow them to understand their pets a little better. A pet owner can figure out what the pet is trying to do, even if it takes additional research and inquiry. But pets often remain clueless. The non-vocal beings can see that you stop them from doing their favorite things. They don’t understand the reason. Take the example of your cat. Many such occasions may have appeared where you felt bad for your kitty because of her sad expressions after denying her a part of the bread or roaming outdoors.

Do you want to reduce your guilt and improve your cat’s life? While celebrations like National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day on January 22nd emphasize connecting deeply with your beloved furry friend, every day of your life with her should be given importance. To know what her meow means when you prevent your kitty from doing something, you can pick a few repeated or everyday events and probe into them. Imagine her asking you a question about that specific incident of her life and you replying to them. Having those cat questions answered will help you ensure her safety while managing her disappointment or complaints efficiently. So, let’s begin!

Q1. Why don’t you let me stay outdoors while I crave this?

Humans have been domesticating these nocturnal species for eons. These creatures enjoy their time inside and outside. Because they are born hunters and the outdoor environment stimulates their minds and bodies, many cats prefer an outdoor way of living. They also find such environments more engaging. Plus, these social animals, by nature, can mingle with their counterparts easily, enabling them to thrive more. They cherish this relationship and social skill-building occasions. However, as a pet parent, you will be concerned about their safety and security. 

  • Risks of extended outdoor time

Letting them out for long can increase their exposure to hazards and dangers, such as attacks by other animals, car accidents, getting lost, etc. Despite being agile and reflexive, cats tend to be vulnerable. Studies show that too much outdoor time can affect their lifespan. The other thing one must consider is falling prey to parasites and ailments. Ringworm, tick and flea-induced infections, and others can be a reality. Some of these conditions can be fatal. On a larger scale, you can measure the impact of your decision to let her spend time in the open by her chances of attacking local wildlife. Research by the University of Georgia showed that outdoor cats can potentially threaten the lives of about 12.3 billion small mammals and 2.4 billion birds. 

  • Safe outdoor time planning for kitty

You can allow her some freedom to live outdoors, but please take her to vet clinics regularly to protect her health from infection, disease, and wound risks. Spaying and neutering or sterilization is another thoughtful step you can take so your kitty doesn’t create unwanted litter. Also, it’s critical to save her from the chances of infection, mood swings, and specific cancer types. At the same time, you can build a screened-in porch, also called a catio, to give her a safer outdoor environment.

Q2. Why don’t you let me enjoy bread? I like eating it so much.

You must have seen how your cat pounces at the sight of bread popping from the toaster or left open on the countertop. Your concern for your furry friend’s health and the risk of mess can make you keep your feline away. Many pet owners face this problem and wonder what makes bread attractive. Online suggestions show the yeast factor, while it needs more clinical evidence. Cats’ diet also includes some yeast varieties for nutrition and flavoring purposes. However, the yeast used in the bakery and her diet are different. You give her inactive, nutritional yeast that doesn’t ferment. However, active yeast leads the raw dough to rise. If your cat eats raw dough, the active yeast can cause her belly to rise, leading to health issues. 

Animal behaviorists say another reason for her to chase bread can be a lack of certain nutrients in her daily diet. According to them, stray kitties or a pet cat with a limited diet due to health reasons can search for bread. 

  • Risks and solutions

Plain-baked breads are safer when given in small portions. But indulgence can prove risky. Also, flavored bread with garlic and raisins can be toxic for cats. Garlic can harm the red blood cells in the body, while raisins are bad for the kidneys. You must also keep unbaked dough away from the cat’s reach because your furry pet’s stomach can become bloated, resulting in mild to severe discomfort. What yeast can do is already known. If you want to please her, treat your cat with a small cracker or share of toast. If she tries to load up on bread, you can distract her attention to protein-rich treats instead.

Q3. Why can’t I eat my friend’s dog food? 

In a multi-pet home, the main struggle is keeping cat food and dog food separate. Although rare, cats can eat from your pup’s bowl if hungry or get easy access. It can be a problem if this becomes her regular habit.

  • Risks of regular consumption of dog food

Occasional exposure is alright because dog food is non-toxic for her. However, the risk increases when her primary diet is replaced with this. Adverse effects can set in down the road. Cats need high protein content and a few specific nutrients in their diet. Dog foods are lacking in them. For example, amino acids like taurine nourish her heart, reproductive system, and vision. A cat’s body cannot make enough of it naturally like dogs. Hence, they need it from an external source. Without this, your cat can suffer from a heart ailment or blindness. Then, dog foods tend to have lower protein than cats’ daily requirements. Regular intake of dog food can affect her muscles and other body parts.

  • Solutions for creating a safe dietary environment for kitty

One of the simple ways to protect your cat from eating dog food is by serving your canine its diet on the spot. Dogs tend to be territorial about their meals. Another option is to install a tall food gate in a designated area, such as a laundry room, backroom, kitchen, or other place where you store your dog’s bowl. During eating time, you can use that gate and cover it with something to prevent your cat from squeezing in. Ensure the gate’s height is enough to block your cat’s entry. She can easily hop over it otherwise. Some pet owners keep feeding schedules the same for cats and dogs. You can also apply this technique. Both will remain busy with their meals. 

Q4. Why do I chatter at the bird in our household?

It’s the instinct thing. Both possess distinctive characteristics that enable them to thrive in their environments. For example, cats are born predators. So their hunting urge is always high. They like to stalk and catch prey to satisfy their hunger. Cats are also territorial by nature, often displayed through scratching the surfaces or scent marking. A house is their territory. Their curiosity is another thing that draws them closer to any new moving objects, such as birds. These furry friends are playful, which helps them be agile and coordinated.

Conversely, birds will try to fly at the slightest hint of the presence of a predator as they perceive it as a threat to their existence. In a household, you are their caregiver and belong to their flock. They also need safe spaces for their nests. Birds communicate through sounds or vocalization. 

  • Solutions for the co-existence of birds and cats in the house

The two can live together with some training. Else, the cat will try to kill the bird. Some furry friends may remain indifferent to pet birds in the same household, while others can chase them tirelessly. Knowing your pets’ personalities is crucial to understanding how they will behave when you introduce one to the other or allow them to interact. You also want to create a safe environment for both. Since the bird is most vulnerable, you can keep her cage out of your kitty’s reach. Watch over them, even whether they interact or not. There should be a secure hiding place for the bird to take refuge if she feels threatened by the feline.

Help your cat to stay calm when the bird is around. You can train your pet with praises and treats so that the cat learns to socialize with the other creatures in a familiar background. Groom cat’s nails to decrease the risk of accident during close contact between the two. Remember, the process will be slow-moving. So, please keep patience.

In a cat’s daily life, there can be multiple occasions where you restrict her movement or choices for her safety. It’s the time to analyze and tackle them with some contemplation and planning.


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