Tue. Sep 3rd, 2024

One of the most frequent causes for a sick visit by women to OB/GYN is a UTI or urinary tract infection. UTIs are significantly more common in women than in men. Why? A combination of factors plays a contributing role like anatomical differences, hormonal changes as well as stages of a woman’s reproductive life cycle. In this article, we will explore why women get UTIs and when one needs to consult an experienced gynecologist like Dr Bhumika Bansal, the best gynecologist in Lucknow. 


What are UTIs?


A UTI or urinary tract infection occurs when faecal bacteria enter the urethra, the tube through which urine is excreted from the bladder. UTI can affect any part of the urinary system including the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra. 


There are three types of UTIs. Namely:


  • Urethritis: When infection is localised to the urethra
  • Cystitis: When the infection spreads to the bladder
  • Pyelonephritis: When the bladder infection spreads from the bladder to the kidneys


Why Are Women More Prone to Urinary Tract Infections Than Men?


Below is a list of major reasons why women get more UTIs than men.


  • Location and Length of Urethra: Women’s urethras are shorter than men’s making it easier for the bacteria to reach the bladder. Moreover, it is located closer to their anuses, which creates more opportunities for bacteria to infiltrate. 
  • Use of Specific Type of Contraception: Using a diaphragm or spermicide as a form of birth control can cause more frequent UTIs. The diaphragm is used with spermicide and it can lead to an infection. These contraceptives, when inserted, push against the urethra making the task of emptying the bladder more difficult. The urine remaining in the bladder can lead to bacterial growth causing a UTI. 
  • Sexual Contact: Women are more prone to getting UTIs after sex given their anatomy. Bacteria and germs that cause UTIs can spread from the vagina to the urethra during sex. 
  • Menopause: Once a woman reaches menopause, the estrogen and progesterone levels drop during this time. The loss of estrogen hormone makes the vaginal tissue thinner and more prone to infections. 
  • Pregnancy: Pregnant women are at high risk of getting UTIs. Emptying the bladder can be difficult for expectant moms because their wombs carry the baby during pregnancy. Bacteria-infected urine can cause a UTI. 


When to See a Doctor?


UTIs can be extremely uncomfortable to deal with and require medical assistance. If you experience the below-given symptoms, you should immediately contact an experienced gynecologist like Dr Bhumika Bansal, the best gynecologist in Lucknow.


  • Burning sensation or pain when you urinate
  • Frequent urination yet you pass little when you go
  • Urine has an unpleasant odour
  • Urine has a milky or hazy appearance or appears cloudy
  • Urine has blood in it
  • Suffering from lower back pain along with the above-mentioned symptoms
  • If you have a fever along with the above-mentioned symptoms


Your doctor will most likely request a urine examination to see if you have a UTI. In case your results come back positive, the doctor usually recommends a course of antibiotics to cure the infection. It is imperative to take and finish all your antibiotics as prescribed and directed by the doctor, even if you feel better after a day or two. 




Most women get UTI at some point in their lifetime. If it happens to you, consulting an expert like Dr Bhumika Bansal, one the best gynecologist in Lucknow is the right decision to discuss causes and treatment options. Moreover, you must discuss your medical history and lifestyle factors in detail with your OB/GYN as it will help them find the best way to treat your symptoms.

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